Learn to Love Digital Living at Emaar Digi Homes

1 year ago 286

Emaar Digi Homes is a new-age home builder, who is revolutionizing the way you live in Gurgaon. Digital Living is one of its key offerings that has helped Emaar Digi Homes gain a lot of popularity among home buyers. So, let's explore how digital living can help you achieve better lifestyle with Emaar Digi Homes!

Introduction to Digital Living at Emaar Digi Homes

Digital Living at Emaar Digi Homes is a residential development by Emaar Properties in the city of Haryana. It consists of several high-rise towers and houses approximately 3,000 units. The project is located in the heart of Dubai, close to many popular landmarks such as Burj Khalifa and Jumeirah Beach Park.

The building has been designed with an emphasis on sustainability and energy efficiency with some notable features including:

  • A large rooftop garden for residents to enjoy or relax under during summertime;

  • An indoor swimming pool that can be used by all residents;

  • A fitness center with state-of-the art equipment;

Smart Home Features at Emaar Digi Homes

A smart home is a home full of connected products that can be controlled from a remote location. The technologies used in these devices include sensors, actuators and microcontrollers. They are powered by an energy source such as batteries or solar panels to provide power for the appliances located inside your home. These computers can also be programmed to perform different tasks like turning on lights when you arrive home from work or dimming them when you're not using them during nighttime hours.

Benefits of Digital Living at Emaar Digi Homes

Digital Living at Emaar Digi Homes is a great way to stay connected to the world.

  • Digital living gives you access to all your favorite apps, including WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. You can also use it for work, so that you don't have to worry about missing out on important emails or calls during work hours.

  • With digital living, you'll be able to stay in touch with family and friends from anywhere in the world! This means no more long distance phone bills or waiting until after midnight just so that you can talk with someone who lives far away from you (or vice versa). Now everyone will always be able though their devices when they want too!

How to Connect and Use Emaar Digi Homes App

To connect to the app, you will need a mobile phone or tablet. If you have an Android device, please make sure that your phone is connected to Wi-Fi and has at least 4 GB of memory space.

To use Emaar Digi Homes app:

  • Open your browser on any device and go to www.emaardigihomes.ae/login-app; alternatively, log in through Facebook if you have registered with us through this channel (you can also add yourself as friend on our page).

  • Enter your username/password which is included in a confirmation email sent after registration; if there are any problems with entering these details contact [email protected] for assistance. Once logged in successfully click "My Profile" button from top right corner menu bar at bottom of home page screen then choose "Manage Accounts" option under My Profile section menu item listed above “Accounts” submenu item also available under My Profile dropdown list which appears when clicking “My Home” link within each room's individual Summary Screen shown below:

How to Connect and Use Emaar Digi Homes App

You can connect to your home and control it remotely using the Emaar Digi Homes App. The app is available for both Android and iOS devices, so you can download it on your smartphone or tablet.

Once you’ve downloaded the app, install it onto your device by tapping “install” at the bottom of this screen. Once installed, open up the app and sign in with your user account details that were provided when registering for this service. It may take a few minutes for all of this information to be transferred over; once complete, log in using these credentials!

Security Features of Emaar Digi Homes

  • Security features of Emaar Digi Homes Gurgaon

  • How to protect your home from intruders

  • How to protect your home from burglars

Security systems are designed to detect and prevent intruders from entering your home. The most common types of security systems include:

  • Intruder alarm system - This type of security system is used in homes that have been burglarized or targeted by criminals. It also includes motion detectors, door/window contacts and other sensors that detect if something has moved around while you were gone; this provides an early warning so that you can take appropriate measures against unwanted visitors before they get too close (like calling the police).

  • Home automation system - This type of technology allows us at Emaar Digi Homes to monitor our properties remotely via mobile devices like tablets or smartphones so we can receive notifications about any changes made within these properties without having someone physically checking up on them every day!

Energy Management in Emaar Digi Homes

Energy management is a key feature of digital living. It’s important to manage energy consumption in a way that is sustainable, environmentally friendly and cost effective.

Emaar Digi Homes has taken great steps towards ensuring that our clients have a comfortable home environment with the appropriate amount of lighting throughout their homes. We have also created an easy-to-use app which allows users to control all aspects of their smart home from anywhere in the world!

Eco-Friendly Features of Emaar Digi Homes

Emaar Digi Homes is an environmentally friendly building. It has been designed to reduce the carbon footprint of its construction and operations, as well as reduce energy consumption. The company has set up a green roof on top of each building that houses plants such as bamboo, palm trees and shrubs. This helps to offset carbon dioxide emissions from air conditioning units in each building by removing them from the atmosphere through photosynthesis.

Emaar Digi Homes also uses recycled materials whenever possible and recycles waste through composting facilities at every site where they operate residential units with commercial spaces in between them

Fitness and Health Monitoring in Emaar Digi Homes

  • How to connect?

If you're wondering how to connect, we have an app for that! Download the Emaar Digi Homes Sector 62 Fitness and Health Monitoring App from your phone's App Store or Google Play store. Once you've downloaded it, open it up and follow these steps:

  • Tap on "Connect Now" at the bottom of your screen;

  • Enter in your user ID (found on receipt) and password;

  • Tap Allow Access button at top right corner if prompted with permission requests;

4 ) Select which devices you'd like connected by ticking boxes next to each one - we recommend all except watch since it's not recommended by doctors anyway!

5 ) Choose between Bluetooth or Wi-Fi depending on whether or not there's an internet connection nearby when connecting (Bluetooth uses less battery while Wi-Fi uses more).

Best Practices for Digital Living at Emaar Digi Homes

  • Connect to the home with the Emaar Digi Homes app.

  • Control your home with the Emaar Digi Homes app.

  • Monitor your home with the Emaar Digi Homes app.

  • Share your digital life with others by connecting through social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter

Exploring the Neighborhood around Emaar Digi Homes using Digital Tools

  • Explore the Neighborhood around Emaar Digi Homes using Digital Tools

  • Get to know your neighbors and make new friends.

  • Discover what's going on in the community, including local events and activities.

We believe that digital living is the future of modern life and should be embraced in all aspects of our lives. We are committed to providing an exceptional level of service so that you can enjoy your new home with ease!

Get in Touch! Website - www.emaardigihomesgurgaon.com Skype - shalabh.mishra Telegram - shalabhmishra Email - enquiry.realestates@gmail.com Mobile - +919990536116

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